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TV Program Should Be Censored

Do you found TV Program is not suitable to showing in screen? Who knows is have many scene hardness, story hyperbole, eksploitation body or showing sex and pornoghraphy. Of those will be bad impact to viewer additionally for children and adolescent. There is not suitable program of TV maybe the program not be censored. For the reason that I tink TV Program should be censored.
The first reason TV program have many scene hardness and make you to follow what do you look in the TV. TV program usually, showing hardness in the sinetron, film or cartoon. For fact the children is very easy to follow what are they see. If they see for example crayon sinchan have many bad act like distrub his friends and disagreement his parent, is very influnce to future for them.
            The second reason is sex and pornography in programs TV. There are many programs in the TV showing that example kawin kontrak, Virgin etc. It is very differ from character our nation because we know about our nation have culture get dressed respectful that is can make break our generation in future. In their brain will be full and always contents about  sex or pornography and can make the woman pregnant beyond marriage finally lesson will be disturb.
            The last reason is many eksploitation children and story hyperbole. There are many children work but not enough age. They childhood is waste because their parent work them to have many property. At the same age a considerable part, children is playing enjoy with childhood. For story hyperbole like a gossip example silet, was-was, insert ect. It give information imprecisely be it true or false and sometimes even hyperbole from reality.
There are many more example from the effect of program TV. So I just tall to you that TV is very influence to us and from that we must determine our choosing what will we watch, maybe the usefull program like education or the unusefull program like the porn or sex. It is back to ourself. So it is the best if we censored all of the program that not good to show or listen.


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Author: Azhar Basis Panrita
Exfi D'mond Blog, "Barangsiapa yang menempuh suatu jalan dalam rangka menuntut ilmu, maka Allah akan mudahkan baginya jalan menuju Surga." (HR Muslim 4/2074 no. 2699 dan yang lainnya dari shahabat Abu Hurairah rodhiyallohu ‘anhu)

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